The Middle East Peace Civic Forum brings a unique value proposition to the
Israeli-Palestinian relationship.

Consider that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is really a network of conversations.

These prevailing conversations have been about analyzing, blaming, justifying, criticizing, defending, making others wrong and ourselves right.

Now imagine a reality in which we are consciously and intentionally transforming and altering the conversations that impact the Palestinian-Israeli relationship.

The Middle East Peace Civic Forum and our partners are leading a revolutionary conversation about what we are creating, as peacemakers and people who are ready to live together in peace.

We offer a safe space for people to say what needs to be said.

We are trained listeners, committed to hearing people’s authentic selves and understand their experience and reality.

Fundamental to our approach is bringing an intentionality in facilitating, leading and guiding a conversation to create a present reality and a future fulfilled to clear the anger, fear, mistrust, obstacles, and whatever needs to be said to live in peace and harmony.

We are inviting people to cooperate on social economic and political development. We are bringing a new paradigm of communication that many people do not have experience in using. We are trained to create vision, to create coexistence, to create conversations for working together and creating together.

Our methodology recognizes three layers.

The first layer is the creation of a space in which people are free to say what needs to be said. They experience being heard and understood. When people are heard, something magical happens. When everything is out on the table, then it can be dealt with. The space is literally cleaned up, and a space is created that is sometimes described as “getting to nothing.”

From nothing, anything is possible.

The second layer is a conversation about what is possible in the Israeli-Palestinian relationship the focus shifts—away from conflict and enmity and towards partnership, possibility and friendship.

When we shift to building peaceful and cooperative relationships, a brand new future emerges.

We are birthing a new vision of what is possible out of directing our energy to the vital issues of the day:

  • Alleviating poverty

  • Improving healthcare

  • Protecting the environment

  • Creating sustainable economic opportunity

  • Building Friendly and Cooperative Relationships

We are declaring complete the relationship of anger and hatred and consciously and intentionally creating one of friendship, partnership, and peace.

The Middle East Peace Civic Forum is facilitating these transformational conversations. We are asking questions and looking to identify all of the real issues. Not to point fingers, but to truly deal with the present reality and transform what isn’t working.

Our methodology includes facilitating conversations. We are visionaries with a dream of peace. We are highly trained listeners, coaches, managers, and facilitators. Our approach is designed to get to the real issues and to deal with them in a constructive and positive way, in communication.

The third layer is leveraging our impact by training partner and participant organizations, creating inspiring and educational social media, and organizing a broad, multicultural movement for peace.

Our programs make a meaningful difference for those who participate. And, we see sharing the transformation that we are causing with a wider audience is key to growing a movement for peace.

This effort includes building a movement involving musicians, artists, faith leaders, and other respected individuals who are coming together to speak out for peace in a united voice. The movement not just talk. We are creating the experience of peace through the interactions in our programs, and through our actions. We are not only resolving conflicts, but also creating affinity and a sense of partnership and opportunity.

We embrace expanding the tent and bringing in diverse voices, including religious people. Just as religion can divide, there are a multitude of voices who practice in a way that empowers the prophetic vision of peace and reconciliation.

As peacemakers, we bring religious voices together who see religion as an access to coexistence. We understand religions as maps to guide followers to a universal truth. We invite all people to come join together in the inner core of universal truth, and create together an existence that honors the truly divine.